
Kids' Books

It’s important to talk to children about adoption right from the get-go; that way, adoption is never a secret from them, and they’re never surprised to find out they’re adopted. There are lots of great kids’ books about adoption which help make adoption understandable to kids.  Here are some good ones for starting your collection:

Updated: 4/20/2016

Bottom-Shelf Books

Bottom-Shelf Books are my top choices.

A great book for families who adopt cross-culturally
A Mother for Choco by Keiko Kasza is a delightful book about a little bird who tries to find its mother. Choco asks several animals who look somewhat similar to Choco whether they are Choco’s mother. None of the animals are. Finally, Choco sees a bear who behaves as a mother would, although the bear does not look like the bird. The bird accepts the bear as his mother, and meets the rest of the bear’s family, comprised of a baby alligator, hippopotamus, and pig.

Adoption Message: Your mother is the one who cares for you, regardless of whether she looks like you.

Recommended For: Adoptive children, especially in transracial or cross-cultural families.

A great book to help you figure out how to tell kids about adoption
How I Was Adopted by Joanna Cole is a book which caters to children through the use of short sentences, friendly illustrations, and open-ended questions which invite children to respond to the adult reading the story. After a brief introduction wisely advising parents how to share their child’s adoption story with their child, we meet Sam. Sam recites her adoption story, and says that she loves to hear her adoptive parents tell it.
Adoption Message: Every adopted child has their own story. Some of who they are comes from their birth family and some of who they are comes from their adoptive family. Adoption is a story to be celebrated.
Recommended For: Adopted children, between ages 2 and 6; including those adopted as infants.

A child's journey through foster care, to adoption. An excellent read! A Forever Family by Roslyn Banish with Jennifer Jordan-Wong, is a wonderful story told by an eight-year-old child (Jennifer) who was adopted at age seven. Jennifer gives a brief summary of her experience in foster care, her experience of adoption, and her life in general. Rosalyn Banish, a professional photographer, compliments Jennifer’s narration with black-and-white photographs.

Adoption Message: Adoption from foster care creates a new family. It takes some getting used to, but it is a happy change, and life goes on. Children who are adopted still may have questions about their birth parents.

Recommended For: Prospective and current foster and adoptive parents and children. This is a quick read which may help normalize foster care and adoption from a child’s point of view.

We Belong Together by Todd Parr





Other Recommended Kids' Books 

 My New Family

 The White Swan Express

A book to help you prepare your kids for a new adopted sibling.A New Barker in the House by Tomie dePaola is a child-friendly book with short sentences and large illustrations. A family with two young children adopts another young child, from a different country. The two children daydream about what they will do with their adopted brother. They are excited when he arrives, and try to play with him. They learn that their new adopted brother is not a toy, and learn to play his games as well as their own. They learn each others’ languages, and end by calling themselves “family.”
Adoption Message: Adopted children and the families into which they are adopted will have some differences. Adopted children are not toys. Families can learn from their adopted children, and adopted children               
can learn from their families.
                                         Recommended for: Children, up to age 9, of families who wish to
                                          adopt, prior to an adoptive child placement.

Kids want the truth about how you adopted them.Tell Me a Real Adoption Story by Betty Jean Lifton tells the story of an adopted child who asks her adoptive parent to tell her a “real” adoption story. As parents are wont to do, the parent responds with a fairy tale about adoption. The child refuses to accept the story. The child demands and receives a “real” story from the adoptive parent, explaining the meeting between adoptive and birth parents. The child accepts the story.
Adoption Message: This book encourages adoptive parents to share the “real” story of adoption with their adopted children. The book cautions that time can make it difficult to track down the child’s pre-adoptive history and encourages adoptive parents to allow the child’s story to grow.
                                                Recommended For: Prospective adoptive parents.

How to explain diversity of families to your child.

 The Family Book  by Todd Parr is a brightly-illustrated book. It shows many different types of families: single-parent, blended, same-sex parents, adopted, multiracial – and asserts that all families love each other and help each other.

Adoption Message: Every family is unique, and every family is special.

Recommended for: Young kids who have been adopted. Age 2-4.


  1. Such a great selection of the kids book and kids are also like this type of books because its stories was full of fun and this type of stories entertain the kids so they like this type of books thanks for share it how to write a summary of a movie .

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. A lots of great kids’ books about adoption which help make adoption understandable to kids. Exactly looking for this for babies . Thanks

  4. Great! When you spend time reading to toddlers, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books you read, as well as the contact with you during story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills.


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