
In Theaters

Adoption Movie Guides for movies that are still on the big screen!  Looking for something that's not in the theaters anymore? Check the list of all of the Adoption Movie Guides

Most Recent Update: 9/3/18

Christopher Robin 

    The Incredibles 2

   Hotel Transylvania 3

Teen Titans Go to the Movies

   Ant-Man and the Wasp

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again!  


  1. Hi, I just discovered your site, what a great idea! I am amazed when I see how you have reviewed the movies and pointed out the themes I can use with my son to start an open conversation about adoption, I never would have thought of half of these ideas! My son is 6 and I am always looking for age appropriate tools to start a discussion. Thank you!

    1. Hi Katie!

      I'm glad you found the site, and I'm glad you commented! Thank you so much!

      I hope that the site is helpful to you, and I'd love to know which of the movies connect the best with you and your son :)

      Thanks for being here! Addison

  2. Thanks so much for this! So many kids' books and movies portray loss of separation from family and I hate being blindsided by it.
    I'm also very much looking forward to your point-of-view on the upcoming "Annie" remake. Just the trailer had my husband and I in tears...

    1. Hi Suellen,

      I'm really grateful for your comment. People are touched by adoption in so many different ways, and for many the connection has been very painful. I hope that this site both generates discussion and helps folks avoid being blindsided by things that will remind them of past traumas. I am looking forward to reviewing Annie, although I'm not quite sure what to expect. The trailer concerned me at one or two points, when a character mentions that Annie's birthparents are looking for her. I really really really hope that the birthparents and the concept of reunification are portrayed positively and aren't vilified.

      I'm really glad you wrote.


  3. Hey Addison! Have you seen Leap? Thoughts? Thanks.

    1. Hi Leyna! Yes :) I saw it a couple days ago, and my review goes up today :)

  4. Wondering if you have viewed the movie 'Like Arrows' by Family Life? We have 6 children, our youngest, twins 9 years old, home for almost 5 years. Wondering how this would be for our family to see this week. Only here for a limited time. thanks for any input!

    1. HI Robyn,

      Sorry for the slow reply. I haven’t seen Like Arrows, but my initial sense from the trailer is that it’s probably not going to appeal to kids, it seems more geared towards parents.


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